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Community Extension Programs Valuation as Basis in Proposing Higher Education Institutions as the Donation Program Facility Operating Partners

Rachelle M. Santos, LPT, JD, DBA, Ph.D., PD-SML1, Reynold A. Campo, JD, DBA, Ph.D., PD-SML2, Ramon Woo Jr., CPA, Ed.D, DBA, Ph.D, PD-SML3,,, reynoldcampo1126@gmailcom,
Philippine Christian University-Manila (PCU) & University of Santo Tomas (UST), Philippines1,
Philippine Christian University-Manila &FEATI University, Philippines2,
Philippine Christian University & John Paul College-Mindoro, Philippines



Establishing the centralized donation program facilities proposes the cooperation of selected higher education institutions per city or municipality where the facility will be located. The Commission on Higher Education’s directive to conduct community extension programs as part of the four-fold functions is an important role of a higher education institution to include communities to serve and help alleviate the standard of living. Community extension service is about relationships and community building through different related programs where activities are aimed at empowering people through long-term programming. The community extension programs of an HEI allow educational programs to reach and “touch the lives” of communities and the environment by providing services that transmit knowledge and technologies to have an impact on holistic and sustainable development programs and people empowerment. This study was conducted to provide a basis to justify the partnership between the educational institution, local government unit, and the proposed donation facility. The study used the Logic Model which is a visual representation of the relationship between a program’s resources, actions, and expected outcomes in assessing the community extension programs of selected higher education institutions. Logic models demonstrate how interventions affect behavior and achieve a goal straightforwardly and succinctly. The Logic Model was a road map outlining causal pathways and the step-by-step relationship between planned activity and desired outcomes. A logic model, in particular, is a visual representation of the resources or inputs required to perform a program, the activities and outputs of a program, and the expected program outcomes. Using the model, the researcher began with the inputs and actions and worked forward. Before starting the process, a clear and complete understanding of the specific research objective was addressed including the analysis of the existing data and pertinent research, as well as performing a formal or informal assessment of available capacity, inputs, and needs was conducted. This used indicators such as the resources required to carry out the activities (inputs), what to do with the resources (activities), tangible items and capabilities (outputs), changes in other individuals or conditions as a result of the activities and outputs (outcomes), distant results (effects) and contextual elements that are outside the program’s control but may aid or impede the achievement of the outcomes.

Keywords: Logic model, community extension programs, higher education institution extension progra

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